
Micronutrient deficiencies frequently occur following bariatric surgeries and, if left unattended, can have adverse health consequences. For this reason, daily use of micronutrient supplements, preferably bariatric-specific brands, and routine laboratory vitamin/mineral analyses are highly recommended. This study presents recent survey findings of the rates of patient compliance to these recommendations.


The online anonymous survey included questions pertaining to type and regularity of supplement use, frequency of laboratory analyses, and rates of nutrient deficiencies. Among the 162 patients who completed the survey, 55% had a RYGB, 36% LSG, 8% BPD/DS and 1% revision. 30% of patients were >3 y out from surgery, 15% 2-3 y, 28% 1-2 y and 27% <1y.


According to survey findings, 83% of patients were taking bariatric-specific MVM, 13% across-the-counter brands, and 4% none. Among supplement users, 85% were compliant in daily use and 87% in use of recommended amounts. Nearly 80% of patients had micronutrient labs performed at regularly scheduled periods (3, 6, 9, 12 mo, yearly), 16% less frequently and 4% never. Altogether, 38% of patients had at least one micronutrient deficiency, with the most commonly reported deficiencies Vitamin D (25%), iron (21%), B12 (11%), zinc (9%), and calcium (5%).


Conclusions. Survey data show relatively high compliance to supplement use and laboratory analyses. Despite these high rates, MVM deficiencies occur.