Learning Objectives

Understand the OAGB position statement and endorsement by IFSO and ASMBS Describe the differences between OAGB and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Identify the optimal revision procedure options after sleeve gastrectomy weight recurrence

1:30pm IFSO Consensus Conference and Position Statements on OAGB
Scott Shikora, MD
1:40pm Why did ASMBS eventually approve OAGB?
Shanu Kothari, MD FACS FASMBS
1:50pm How to get OAGB started in the USA
Helmuth Billy, MD
2:00pm How is OAGB different from RYGB [Pouch construction, GJA Pettersen]? Is bile reflux an issue?
Almino Ramos, MD
2:10pm Debate and Rebuttals: BPL length should be fixed at 150 cm vs. BPL length should be variable
Michel Suter, MD; Mousa Khoursheed, BMBCH FRCS FACS (Hon) FASMBS
2:36pm Debate and Rebuttals: OAGB is the best revisional procedure after Sleeve Gastrectomy weight recurrence vs. SADI and DS are the best revisional procedure after Sleeve Gastrectomy weight recurrence
Asim Shabbir, MD; Michel Gagner, MD FASMBS
3:02pm Adjourn