
The Nutrition I session will feature broad concepts in nutrition including patient perspectives, psychological considerations, and treatment recommendations including nutrition in physical activity and long-term management. This session aims to provide attendees with an evidence-based overview and discussion on pertinent topics in bariatric nutrition.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the prevalence of psychopathology, eating disorders, and impulsivity in bariatric surgery
  2. Identify the nutrition implications of strength training after bariatric surgery.
  3. Recognize the limitations of long term postoperative nutrition recommendations

8:00am Experiences as Both Provider and Patient
Timisha Malone, LCSW LMSW MSW
8:45am Maintaining strength and fitness after bariatric surgery
David Creel, PhD RD
9:30am Break
10:00am Liver disease in obesity treatment: the role & responsibilities of the RD
Emily Thevis, RDN LD CSOWM CDE
10:45am Honeymoon Phase and Beyond
Jana Wolff, RDN LDN
11:30am Question and Answer
12:00pm Adjourn