Learning Objectives:

  1. Define, discuss and solve specific challenges in the treatment of people with obesity, obesity-related and metabolic diseases and conditions
  2. Describe the development and use of new techniques to achieve weight loss by surgery in obese patients
  3. Discuss strategies to help patients with failed weight loss or weight regain
  4. Identify creative options for patient follow up and monitoring

1:30pm A011 Laparoscopic Conversion of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass to Jejuno-Duodenostomy for Refractory Postprandial Hypoglycemia
Authors: Pearl Ma, MD FACS FASMBS ABOM; Keith Boone, MD; Amarita Klar, MD; Kelvin Higa, MD FASMBS
Presenter: Huy Hoang, MD
1:40pm A012 Laparoscopic Paraoesophageal Hernia, Gastric Bypass and Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy in a patient with Achalasia and Gastroesophageal reflux after Sleeve Gastrectomy
Authors: Daniel R Slack, MD; Paul D Colavita, MD FACS; Abdelrahman Nimeri, MD
Presenter: Daniel R Slack, MD
1:50pm A013 Transabdominal Modified Belsey Mark IV Hernia Technique for GERD after Sleeve Gastrectomy
Authors: Margaret J Ahrens, MD; Julio Texeira, MD FACS
Presenter: Margaret J Ahrens, MD
2:00pm A014 Iatrogenic Inferior Vena Cava Injury in the Reoperative Foregut: A Novel Technique for Minimally Invasive Repair
Authors: Timothy Schaffner, MD; Timothy Vreeland, MD; Robert Krell, MD; David Schechtman, MD
Presenter: Timothy Schaffner, MD
2:10pm A015 Sleeve Gastrectomy in a Patient with Spontaneous Portosplenic Shunt
Authors: Karla M Bernardi, MD; Alison Whalen, MD; Lauren Hawley, MD; Mamdouh khayat, MD; Stacy Brethauer, MD MBA
Presenter: Karla M Bernardi, MD
2:20pm A016 Laparoscopic reversal of duodenal switch for intractable abdominal pain
Authors: Brett Simenhoff, MD; Pearl Ma, MD FACS FASMBS ABOM; Huy Hoang, MD; Jose Alfaro Quezada, MD; Kevin Harris, MD; Amarita Klar, MD; Keith Boone, MD; Kelvin Higa, MD FASMBS
Presenter: Kevin Harris, MD
2:30pm A017 Robotic revision of vertical band gastroplasty to gastric bypass
Authors: Eric Davies, MD FACS FASMBS; Mark Jonker, MD FACS FASMBS
Presenter: Eric Davies, MD FACS FASMBS
2:40pm A018 An Unexpected Twist – RYGB in Type 2 Intestinal Malrotation
Authors: Piyush Gupta, MD; Michelle McCarthy, MD; Hany Takla, MD FACS FASMBS
Presenter: Piyush Gupta, MD
2:50pm Closing
3:00pm Adjourn